Evernote as blog software

From Evernote:

Evernote as blog software

I was looking for a good software to use as offline writing tool for my blog. Something in the line of the great Windows Live Writer. Unfortunately some good candidates for Mac were not free.

I’m using Evernote to store notes of different kinds for my ideas and research. Idea just popped into my head that I could use one of the Evernote’s notepads to create blog entries. Each note could be a separate entry.

Evernote has editor that enables me to style it. The only thing that is missing is the “Post to blog button”. WordPress.com gives a possibility to post by email though. I will give it a try now.

If you see this post it means that it was a success 🙂

If by any chance you are a Evernote developer or could influence the features, you might consider my simple idea.

Cheers, Greg

Edited after this line.

As you can see Evernote adds additional header. Pity as it could be such a great way of hacking Evernote and WordPress.com together 🙂