Do Less to Do More – My Personal Kanban in the Clouds

Kanban columnAs you might already know I did a small application called My Personal Kanban, that serves as offline Kanban board. It’s HTML application which stores your Personal Kanban on your device. It free to use and Open Source.

I just released a new feature and service for My Personal Kanban that allows you to Upload and Download your Personal Kanban Boards to Cloud.

The service and functionality is in Beta phase but it would be great if you could give it a try and provide me with some feedback.

Heres a video of how the Cloud features work.

Here is the link to the previous post with Themes.

If you want to help me and contribute a Theme or some code, please do get in touch.


F1 Dashboard released

In last few months I was working on a little personal project. When Google App Engine team announced that preview of Java version is available I decided to give it a try. When I was looking for a subject of my application, one of the ideas started to emerge more that others. I was looking for a web site that could aggregate all the information about Formula 1 racing. Because there was none available (or my Google search ended on first few results that were not satisfactory) I decided to make one.

Few weeks and cups of coffee latter is released.

F1 Dashboard screen shot
F1 Dashboard screen shot


So, in few words, F1 Dashboard is agregator of news, and media feeds from world of Formula 1. I decided not to collect content, just store information where to find it and short description.

News are harvested from a number of web sites. Twitter updates serves as another source of news.

Images are comming from Flickr, videos from YouTube.

All updates  are happening every few minutes and are 100% automated.


GAE supports Groovy as one of JVM programming languages. I decided to give it a try. I love Groovy, it is somewhere in between a friendly and known Java API and Ruby programming language.

It took me a moment to use to BigTable type of DataStore. It restrictes a way I used to work with databases normaly. Google provide entire environment for local development, whitch means I don’t have to upload to a cloud to see working result.

I created a little homegrown Model Views Presenter/Controller framework and used StringTemplate as rendering engine.

jQuery is the library of choice to handle all JavaScript.

Page styling was done by a friendly and kind designer from Circa82 Michael Austin (thanks buddy).

Come on guys, give it a try and tell me what you think 😉 Feedback greatlly appriciated.

Cheerios, Greg